Inspirational Quotes

“The world is but a canvas to our imagination”

Herny David Thoreau

“The true artist sees the world in the strongest possible way – let us say, the most penetrating and revealing way. The art of photography is the art of seeing and the effectiveness of photography depends upon the strength and integrity of this seeing. Hence, the so called rules of photographic composition are in my opinion invalid, irrelevant and immaterial – nothing but obstructions between Spirit and the revelation of the world of nature of man.”

– Ansel Adams

“There is that moment when we are truly visionary. There, everything works tremendously well. But all this is only a part of that great game that puts us into a trance, into a state of receptivity. This trance doesn’t last long, however, because life always calls you back to its commands. There are always contingencies. But somehow, despite it all, the effect does last. I think it could be classed as a feeling. For me it is a kind of ‘religion of looking’.”

– Robert Doisneau

"Color is one of the great things in the world that make life worth Living"

– Georgia O’Keeffe

“Doing your best is taking action because you love it, not because you’re expecting a reward. Most people do exactly the opposite: They only take action when they expect a reward, and don’t enjoy the action. That is why they don’t do their best.”

– Don Miguel Ruiz

“What is initiative? It is a creative faculty within you, a spark of the Infinite Creator. It may give you the power to create something no one else has ever created. It urges you to see things in new ways. The accomplishments of a person of initiative may be as spectacular as a shooting star. Apparently creating something from nothing, he demonstrates that the seemingly impossible may become possible by one’s employment of the great inventive power of Spirit. Initiative enables you to stand on your own feet, free and independent. It is one of the attributes of success.”

– Paramahansa Yogananda

"When attention is perfect, it creates order and clarity out of chaos and confusion."

– Deepak Chopra

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”

– Rumi

“Doing your best is taking action because you love it, not because you’re expecting a reward. Most people do exactly the opposite: They only take action when they expect a reward, and don’t enjoy the action. That is why they don’t do their best.”

– Don Miguel Ruiz

“Visualization, and the conscious application of fundamental techniques, does not inhibit the creative-intuitive faculties; it protects and augments them. The creative-intuitive forces must dominate from the start in all expressive work.”

– Ansel Adams

“The word innocence comes from Latin and means “not harmful”. This also is the first concept in the ancient yoga texts: ahimsa, or nonviolence, non-harmfulness. True artists, as well as true yogis, have their being in this innocence and joyfulness, which comes from standing alone in the world, looking at it with eyes which are empty of rules and measures, and reflecting this innocence and joy, in body, mind, and emotions. This is the stamp of really great artists. And in the ultimate analysis, each one of us is an artist.”

“Both yoga and art aim at the same thing, that is, to re-establish our personal connection with the world around us according to our own inner creativity. To render body and mind a conduit through which the creative energy can flow freely, unimpeded by outer restrictions, in the trust that this energy, being a part of the universal energy, is ultimately “pure” and joyful.”

– Dona Hollemann

“As far as I am concerned, taking photographs is a means of understanding which cannot be separated from other means of visual expression. It is a way of shouting, of freeing oneself, not of proving or asserting one’s originality. It is a way of life.”

“For me the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity, the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously. In order to “give meaning” to the world, one has to feel oneself involved in what one frames through the viewfinder. This attitude requires concentration, a discipline of mind, sensitivity, and a sense of geometry.”

– Henri Cartier Bresson,

“There is that moment when we are truly visionary. There, everything works tremendously well. But all this is only a part of that great game that puts us into a trance, into a state of receptivity. This trance doesn’t last long, however, because life always calls you back to its commands. There are always contingencies. But somehow, despite it all, the effect does last. I think it could be classed as a feeling. For me it is a kind of “religion of looking”.”

– Robert Doisneau


“What is initiative? It is a creative faculty within you, a spark of the Infinite Creator. It may give you the power to create something no one else has ever created. It urges you to see things in new ways. The accomplishments of person of initiative may be a spectacular as a shooting star. Apparently creating something from nothing, he demonstrates that the seemingly impossible may become possible by one’s employment of the great inventive power of Spirit. Initiative enables you to stand on your own feet, free and independent. It is one of the attributes of success.”

– Paramahansa Yogananda