“Boots & Wurlitzer”

1977 Color Retro Study


“Boots & Wurlitzer” is one of my most published images and has been done only in its original black and white form since it’s inception. There is a complete back story on the black and white photo and it’s making on my website listed under the backstories.  

Here is a bit of background on the color version. I never intended to print this image in color.  My process back in the 1970s was to sketch out ideas on a note pad that had come to mind.  Not always but sometimes I would take a few shots on color slide film after the sketch as a trail study.  This is what happened here with this color version. I used my Leica M4 with Agfachrome slide film. This slide had been tucked away for decades. I came across it this winter as I was going through older negatives along with some other slides. It was intriguing to me examining it in color.  Especially the appearance on the old Agfa film. I laid the slide on the light table and made a few iPhone shots of it. I consulted with a gallery owner and a few collectors about their first impressions. My first thoughts were that they would find it of historical interest.  It was at their urging to see it printed that I took on the task. The slide had to be scanned and then the file put into the flow of the digital darkroom. The old film scanner needed updating and had not been fired up in years. In the back of my mind, I wondered if it would even be worth all the effort, and would I be successful?

It took a lot of time, but I found the result most interesting. Very distinct from the black and white with a much different feel. As I looked and worked on it my thoughts were that it is a little jewel.  Unlike the big black and white but coming from the same family. 

The printing proved to be superb, and it has been kept small to maintain its precious charm.

E. McD  July 11, 2022